Take Pune-Ahemadnagar highway and travel to Shikrapur, for a distance of 30 kms.
Ask for Malthan phata.
Take left turn at Malthan phata and travel straight to Ganegaon Khalsa for a distance of 8 kms.
You need to take another left turn from Ganegaon Khalsa and travel straight to Morachi Chincholi –Mauli Krushi Paryatan Kendra. Distance is 10 kms.
Nearest Airport and Railway Station is Pune.
Route 2 :
Take Take Pune-Ahemadnagar highway and travel to Shikrapur, for a distance of 30 kms.
After Shikrapur, travel further for 200 mts and take a left turn to Kanhur Mesai village.
Kanhur Mesai village 17 kms from the turn.
From Kanhur Mesai to Morachi Chincholi the distance is approx. 3 kms.
Total driving distance is approx. 32-37 kms.
Nearest Airport and Railway Station is Pune.
Route 3 :
Take Pune-Nasik highway and travel to Rajgurunagar. Approx. distance is 40-45 kms.
After Rajgurunagar take a right turn to Pabal (Famous for Jain tempale) and travel Strainght to Morachi Chincholi – MAULI KRUSHI PARYATAN KENDRA. Approx distance is 27 kms.